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Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Why Can't Obama Be Honest

It's an odd situation that president Obama finds it impossible to be honest when it comes to terrorism.  Just look at two recent examples:

1.  First we have Obama tell us that he never thought the training the Free Syrian Army troops would work in the fight against ISIS.  Obama announced that he had begun the training program over a year ago.  Five hundred million dollars was appropriated for it.  The execution of the plan, however, was worse than poor.  After a year of effort there were less than 50 soldiers trained.  If I ran the program, I could have gotten at least a thousand men trained and more likely ten thousand.  Obama and his people, however, came up with just a few.  Through the year, as the training program failed, Obama and the White House told America again and again that it was the correct program to follow.  Now Obama cancelled the program just as the Free Syrian Army is being attacked by the combined forces of Russia, Iran, Hezbollah, Assad and now Cuba.  Obama, however, has no explanation for why the program did not work or why he never told America that he had his doubts.  The truth is that Obama failed to execute the program in a proper way, but he just cannot be honest about that.  In his own mind, Obama never fails.  There is always something or someone else to blame. 

2.  In the last month there have been dozens of terror attacks by Palestinians inside Israel.  In the two months before that, there were about twenty other such attacks.  Through all these attacks, Obama has been silent.  Now, however, that the crescendo of attacks has made its way into the American news reports, Obama has made a statement.  He just doesn't have it in him to condemn the Palestinian attacks on innocent Israelis.  As a result, the White House statement also discussed a fight that took place four months ago in which four Israeli men beat up a Palestinian guy.  According to the White House, that fight was also terrorism, so the White House called on both sides of the dispute to refrain from terrorist acts.  It's astounding to hear this stuff.

Turkey was the victim of a terrorist bombing the other day in Ankara which killed almost 100 people.  It was a criminal terrorist act.  Turkey, however, also bombed civilian targets among the Kurds in Syria which many would look at as state terrorism.  Certainly, the Kurds would view the air attack that way.  America is supposedly friends with both the Turks and the Kurds.  So did Obama tell the Turks that while he abhorred the terror attack on them in Ankara, the Turks too have to give up their terrorist acts?  Of course not.  It's just with the Israelis that Obama cannot bring himself to tell the truth.

America is in big trouble since out president is unable to recognize reality.


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