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Saturday, October 24, 2015

The Non-Stop Propaganda

The French news agency AFP has another of it articles about East Jerusalem today which is almost completely propaganda.  The main point of the article is that the security check points set up by the Israelis around certain neighborhoods of East Jerusalem and the cause of anger among Palestinians.  The article has the clear viewpoint that the Palestinians are the victims of a major transgression in the form of these check points.

So think about that.  Two months ago, there were no such check points.  Then there started to be daily terrorist attacks by Palestinians, nearly all from these neighborhoods in East Jerusalem, against innocent civilians across Israel.  Most of the attacks involved stabbing of random people in the street.  As the wave of terrorism grew, the Israelis installed check points around the neighborhoods from where the terrorists came.  At those check points, people passing through have to show their identity cards and be subject to search for knives.  It slows down travel significantly.  Since the check points were installed, however, there has also been a drop in the terror attacks.

Now remember what happened after 9-11.  Across America all sorts of new security was installed at airports.  Anyone who travels by air knows that security check points can really slow down the trip.  Since 9-11, however, there haven't been more hijacked American aircraft.  The security worked.

So why is it fine for the USA to install security to stop hijacking and other terrorism on planes, but it is not allowed for the Israelis to install security to stop knife attacks and other terrorism in that country?  The answer, of course, is that both measures are clearly to be allowed.  No one has to endure terror attacks without response, not even Israelis.

But AFP doesn't stop with mischaracterizing the security check points.  It points out that most Arab residents of the East Jerusalem are "residents" rather than "citizens".  Residents can't vote in national elections, although they can vote in the municipal elections.  According to AFP, residents also have to pay taxes although they supposedly get no services.  Most of this story, however, is not accurate.  First of all, all of the residents of East Jerusalem were offered Israeli citizenship years ago.  Nearly all refused citizenship and opted instead to be classified as "residents".  In other words, these people chose to be residents rather than citizens of Israel.  AFP somehow omits this fact.  Further, while the "residents" pay local taxes, they don't pay national income taxes.  Nor are they subject to the compulsory service in the armed forces.  As for the complaints about a non-responsive local government, it would be important to note that essentially all residents of East Jerusalem boycotted the last municipal elections.   That means that these people refused to vote and then complain when the politicians don't pay as much attention to them as they do to those who do vote.  It's also interesting that AFP characterizes the 200,000 Jews who live in the eastern sections of Jerusalem as "settlers" whose presence is "illegal".  Imagine if someone said that any French person with a Christian background was an "illegal" settler if he or she moved into a neighborhood in Paris that is predominantly Moslem.  That's the rough equivalent, but for AFP, the propaganda never stops.

There are real problems in Jerusalem.  There is much that has to be improved.  One thing, however, that does not help is for idiotic media like AFP to spread lies and innuendo about the situation.  It's more like throwing gasoline onto a fire.


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