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Thursday, August 1, 2013

Now It's Time For Spitzer

Anthony Weiner has succeeded in making himself into a total laughingstock, so the attention of the media is shifting to that other paragon of virtue in the New York City Democrat primary:  Elliott Spitzer.  Spitzer resigned as governor of New York when it was revealed that he was patronizing prostitutes and using state funds to come and go to the trysts.  He was never indicted although his use of state funds in this manner was arguably a criminal act.  During all the years since then, Spitzer has remained married to his wife Silda.  Recently, however, since Spitzer entered the race for New York City Comptroller, it has been reported that Silda told friends that she would file for divorce after the election.  But then comes today's news; the rumors are flying that Spitzer is involved with a woman other than his wife.  No one knows if these rumors are true (other than Spitzer and the woman, if any).  Spitzer, however, was given repeated opportunities by reporters to deny any involvement with a woman other than his wife, and Spitzer refused to comment.  One would think that Spitzer would have issued a denial followed by a subsequent refusal to comment.  Indeed, Spitzer's refusal to even talk about the subject seems more like a confirmation that "Spitzer the Shpritzer" as one New York Post columnist calls him has something to hide.  Is this alleged new woman a prostitute?  Will we hear more stories about how Spitzer likes to keep his black socks on during sex?

Why don't these two paragons of the New York Democrat establishment just go away?  Forever!



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