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Friday, November 8, 2013

Sorry I Wasn't Clear Enough!

So president Obama has now "apologized" in connection with his oft-repeated promise that "if you like your health plan, you can keep your health plan, period."  Obama told NBC News yesterday that he is sorry that he was not clear enough.  The problem, of course, is that Obama was extremely clear in what he said.  How about this quote from Obama in 2010 after the passage of the law: 

"I have been as clear as I can be.  If you like your healthcare plan, you can keep your healthcare plan."

Obama should be apologizing for lying to us all.  He was perfectly clear. 

One last note:  some coverage says that Obama apologized for Americans finding themselves losing their current plans due to the effect of Obamacare.  That is not what he said, but let's assume that it is.  If things are so bad that Obama is now apologizing for the direct and intended effects of Obamacare, shouldn't he also do what is necessary to stop the offensive results from continuing?  Shouldn't he now also be telling us that he is going to stop the roll out of Obamacare?  When that happens, be sure to let me know!


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