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Monday, September 29, 2014

Khor al Qaeda or Core al Qaeda --- What Difference Does It Make?

For president Obama and the Obamacrats, nothing seems more important than words.  The old adage is that "actions speak louder than words", but whoever came up with that phrase obviously never met Barrack Obama.

The latest manifestation of the victory of words over reality in Obamaland comes with the discussion of the Khorasan group, that previously unknown pack of terrorists who were bombed by American planes on the first night of the campaign in Syria.  It turns out that the members of the Khorasan group are men who served around Osama bin Laden at the time of 9-11 and who were relocated to Syria when that nation became a safe haven for terrorists.  In other words, Khorasan is core al Qaeda.  This is important for Obama because he told the nation since 2012 that core al Qaeda had been destroyed.  If Khorasan is core al Qaeda, then Obama's words are exposed as false.  As a result, the State Department twists and turns every discussion of terror groups into pretzels that somehow avoid the merger of any existing group with core al Qaeda.  I was reminded of that today when Jen Psaki at State told the press that Khorasan was an "affiliate" of core al Qaeda but would never say if "Khor" was actually "core".  ISIS, which was originally named "al Qaeda in Iraq" is also described by the federal government as not being part of core al Qaeda.  The al Nusrah Front in Syria which was known as al Qaeda at one point is another of the terror groups that the feds say are not core al Qaeda.

I constantly have this image in mind every time Obama or one of his stooges uses the phrase core al Qaeda.  I picture a jihadist opening his mail and receiving his official core al Qaeda membership card, good for discounts on terrorist supplies at Target (for sure) and O-sam's Club.  You also get airline miles from using the card.  The only thing is that after one million points, you get taken off the federal no-fly list as your prize.

The real truth, however, is that it does not matter which groups are core al Qaeda and which are not.  They are all murderous thugs who want to impose their version of Islam on the world by violence.  The sooner the Obama and the feds realize this truth, the safer we all will be.


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