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Tuesday, September 9, 2014

The Truth Wave

For many years, I have been writing about how president Obama consistently lies to the American people.  Lately, it is a theme that has been taken up by many across the country.  (Okay, before we go further, I am NOT claiming that I discovered Obama's seemingly pathological need to lie.)  It's about time.

Think back to any tough situation faced by Obama.  No matter what it was, Obama dealt with it in basically the same way.

Step 1.  Blame someone else (whether or not that blame was merited.)  Just look at the problem Obama created when he announced America had no strategy for dealing with ISIS.  Obama's first response was to say that he was waiting on plans from the Pentagon.  We all know that the Pentagon has plans for everything.  Has France invaded Spain?  The Pentagon has a plan to deal with that.  Has China landed troops on an island off Alaska?  The Pentagon has a plan to deal with that.  Are the toilets stuffed up in the men's room in the airport in Sofia, Bulgaria.  Most likely, the Pentagon has a plan to deal with that too.  There are people working in the Pentagon who spend their entire working career doing nothing except developing plans that never get used, but Obama blamed the Pentagon for having no plan yet. 

Step 2.  Deny the problem exists.  Obama called ISIS the jayvee terrorists right after they took the first two large cities in Iraq.  It's on tape and most people have seen him make the statement.  So, Obama's method for dealing with the problem is to claim he never said it.  Everyone knows he is lying, but he cannot seem to help himself.  Apparently, the White House believes that there are enough Americans who will believe Obama on this that the choice is to tell a blatant lie.  If you remember, Obama even tried this method on "if you like your plan, you can keep it, period."  The very first response from Obama to the firestorm on that lie was to deny that Obama really said it that clearly.  After a day of devastating montages of Obama making the statement 15 times or more, even Obama backed away from the lie since it was just so toxic.

Step 3.  Deny any participation in the problem.  When crashed on the day it went live and then for two or three months after that, Obama claimed he was shocked.  He falsely said that had no knowledge that the site would not work.  When the story of the IRS targeting conservative and Christian groups broke, Obama claimed he heard about it in the news reports.  Even when proof surfaced that the Secretary of the Treasury had known for four months and the White House staff had known for at least a month, Obama still lied and claimed ignorance.  When the Justice Department was caught snooping through the phone calls and email of the AP in Washington, Obama also said he knew nothing. 

Step 4.  If the first three don't work, tell more lies.  Just this past week, Obama said that he would no longer act on immigration until after the election, but that his decision was not political.  NOT POLITICAL!!!  A delay until after elections has nothing to do with the elections, or so Obama tells us.  Everyone knows this is a lie.  Even Obama knows that all America knows he is telling lies, but he does it anyway.  There is no thought given to the possibility that the president of the United States of America ought to be honest with the American people.


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