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Friday, September 12, 2014

They Just Can't Stand It

Two nights ago, president Obama announced a war (or something like a war) on ISIS.  Obama said in his speech that he already had authority to proceed with this military action.  He was referring to the authorization for military action passed by Congress in 2002 at the start of the Iraq War and the earlier authorization passed right after 9-11.  Those quasi declarations of war were long mocked by Obama as inappropriate.  He gave a speech in the last year calling for their repeal since all wars have to end sometime.  But now he relies on them for the latest war effort.

My point is not that Obama has changed his view.  Anyone can see that.  No, my point is that Obama and his people just cannot bring themselves to admit this.  We are attacking ISIS before it can attack us.  We are not using the FBI to "bring the ISIS executioner to justice"; instead, it is a military action.  In other words, more than six years of strident rhetoric from Obama and the Obamacrats is being abandoned in the face of reality that requires a real rather than a rhetorical response.  And it is killing the Obamacrats to have to do this.  That is why John Kerry says it is not a "war".  That is why White House spokesman Josh Earnest avoided questions on the same subject.  Indeed, on the day following Obama's speech, the entire White House establishment seemed to out in force with the only message about the war being "we don't really mean it."

I am sighing as I write this at the hopelessness of what I am about to say, but it's time for president Obama to show some leadership skills.  Obama needs to get at least the cabinet and the White House staff on board with him.  Obama announced a war and his own people, at least, need to go along with that.  Otherwise, Obama looks even weaker and more disorganized than he appeared before the speech (if such a thing is possible).  Most important of all, that weak and disorganized look will be apparent to ISIS, to potential regional allies and to other potential and actual enemies of the USA around the world.  In other words, by letting the White House and the cabinet give out messages that undermine his speech, Obama is putting the country (and his presidency) into greater jeopardy.

The Democrats may not like what is happening.  Indeed, they may not be able to stand it.  The truth, however, is that they have no choice.  The sooner Obama gets them in line, the better for all of us.


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