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Thursday, September 18, 2014

The Need For Reality

As we move towards an election in November, the country and the world are in chaos.  Just look at these examples:

1.  The economy is still limping along and failing to create enough jobs even to employ the new people entering the job market as they leave school.  The Obama administration has no plan to change that situation but instead keeps telling the country that things are getting better. 

2.  ISIS has taken over big chunks of Iraq and Syria and threatens to take more.  Obama announced that he wants to destroy ISIS, but he cannot make clear if we are at war with the group or if we will use all our means to attack them.  Instead, we watch endless debates about what constitutes "boots on the ground" as if parsing the words describing military operations is the same thing as actually conducting those operations.  Meanwhile, ISIS leaders must be jubilant that it is now clear that there will be no member of Obama's vaunted coalition that will deploy actual combat troops.

3.  Russia has swallowed up Crimea and a big chunk of the eastern part of Ukraine.  There has been no meaningful response from the US or the West which have pretty much abandoned Ukraine to its fate.  Obama nevertheless talks about "sanctions" as if the Russians even care about them.

4.  The world economy is also moving in the wrong direction.  Europe is in a recession (or something very close).  China is slipping towards a recession as well.  Japan is in a recession or non-growth phase that seems to have lasted for decades.

5.  There are all manner of other problems in the USA, but we are focused instead on matters that are just not important.  Did the NFL player abuse his children or his wife?  Let's say yes.  But that leaves a much bigger question:  what difference does it make?  If one-tenth as much time was spent discussing America's energy needs as has been spent on the NFL stories, there would be a major upsurge in understanding the country's needs and the best way to achieve them.  Instead, no one pays attention.

6.  The politicians are still busy discussing climate change as if it is a reality even though the "science" that supported the theory has now been disproven.  Every computer model used by the UN panel a decade ago as a basis for the conclusion that climate change was real, has now been shown to be erroneous.  THAT'S EVERY SINGLE MODEL!!!  Despite that, Obama is still plotting how to take action against climate change by going around Congress.  It is much the same as if Obama decided that America ought to build a fence at the end of the flat earth so that ships will not fall off.

What is needed today is a heavy dose of REALITY.  There are many possible courses that can be taken to deal with the world's problems.  I think that some are more likely to succeed than others, but our country needs leaders who will at least consider the real problems.  Right now we have a president who is so ensconced in delusions that he cannot even recognize reality.  The country deserves better.  We deserve leaders who will look at the real problems and then tell us all the truth about them.  It's called leadership.  It would be nice to have it here again.


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