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Thursday, September 11, 2014

The Mother of all Delusions

I often lament the inability of president Obama and his staff to see the real world because of the delusions required by their progressive ideology.  Today, however, I came across the "mother of all delusions" of that sort which came not from Obama and the White House but from Connecticut's own junior senator, Democrat Chris Murphy.  Murphy set forth his four requirements for a successful strategy for dealing with ISIS.  Here is his own short summary of the four points:

1.  military power is necessary, but only to create space for true political reform, diplomatic surge;

2.  military intervention won't succeed unless both Sunni and Shiite nations are full partners;

3.  stay out of the Syrian civil war; this could badly backfire on US if we get it wrong; and

4.  Congress needs to authorize the entire strategy. Constitution, democracy, demands it.

It makes me ashamed of the state of Connecticut to think that this guy is our senator.  Just look at the idiocy he is promoting.  Let's start with the idea that the solution to the ISIS problem is "true political reform and a diplomatic surge".  Is he kidding?  The main form of diplomacy that ISIS uses is beheading.  Sometimes ISIS takes a break from beheading and uses crucifixion instead.  Then there is always stoning and a firing squad.  Murphy is calling for diplomacy with murderous thugs whose goal in many parts of Iraq has been genocide to wipe out ALL people who do not accept Islam of the form ISIS wants.  Murphy is the guy who stands on the tracks in front of the oncoming train and wants to reason with the locomotive.

Then there is the reference by Murphy to the "Sunni and Shiite nations".  Which ones are those?  Remember, ISIS is made up of Sunnis.  So is Turkey and Egypt and Saudi Arabia.  For that matter, Hamas and the Moslem Brotherhood are Sunnis as well.  These are not all one nation.  The Sunnis who rule Egypt hate the Sunnis of Hamas and vice versa.  Then there's the Shiite nation.  Is that Iran, which is by far the most powerful Shiite majority country?  Is Murphy calling for America to partner with the mullahs in Teheran who call us the Great Satan, who sent arms to those who fought us in Iraq, who have not had diplomatic relations with us since their zealots stormed the US embassy in Iran 35 years ago and held our diplomats captive for over a year, and who are rapidly building nuclear weapons with which to attack us?  Yeah Chris, that surely will work.  Right.  I say again, Is he crazy?

And let's not forget Murphy's call to avoid the Syrian civil war.  I guess the distinguished senator wants us all to ignore the fact that ISIS has its headquarters and the bulk of its forces in Syria.  Indeed, those forces are busy fighting in the civil war.  We cannot stop ISIS without affecting the Syrian civil war.  Is this too difficult for Murphy to understand?

The real truth is that Murphy is a captive of the progressive delusion that "inclusion" and "diplomacy" can solve any problem no matter the people involved.  Murphy is incapable of understanding and accepting the basic truth that there are some truly evil people in the world who must be killed or captured.  One can no more carry on diplomacy with ISIS than one could with the Ebola virus.  Both ISIS and Ebola are a disease in the world that must be eradicated.

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