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Friday, September 12, 2014

What a Turkey

Word has come today that Turkey is not so enthusiastic about joining a coalition to combat ISIS.  In fact, the Turks have already made clear that they will not allow bases in their country to be used for combat missions against ISIS (or anyone else).  They will allow NATO countries to use bases for logistical needs, but that's all.

Think about this.  Turkey is comprised mostly of Sunni Moslems.  Any caliphate established by ISIS would likely include all or at least large portions of Turkey.  Many of the Moslems in Turkey are the sort who do not follow stringent sharia law, so they are likely targets of ISIS.  Indeed, of all the Moslem countries, Turkey is probably the most western in orientation, so it is a juicy target for the crazies in ISIS.  And despite all this, the Turks are not joining in the coalition to combat ISIS.

Secretary of State Kerry is going to travel to Ankara to speak to the Turks to encourage them to join the effort against ISIS.  If Kerry has his usual lack of success, it is more likely that Turkey will withdraw from NATO than join against ISIS.

Participation by Turkey in the coalition against ISIS is very important.  From bases in Turkey, American planes would be closer to the areas controlled by ISIS than from most bases in Iraq itself.  Turkey has a large and well trained army that could easily defend Turkey against any incursion by ISIS and which could (should the Turks change their mind) overrun ISIS positions in Syria and Iraq.  having a Moslem nation like Turkey at the front of the coalition would also go far to remove the argument often made by the terrorists that the efforts against them are actually attacks by Christians only, something like a new version of the crusades.


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