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Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Leading From Under The Bed

President Obama created a new kind of American role in the world.  His people called it "leading from behind".  It is not worth going over it again; we all know the havoc it has caused.  Now, Hillary Clinton is coming up with a new kind of leadership.  I think we ought to call it "leading from under the bed".  Obama would not set the course in world affairs for America and its allies; instead, he held back and left the lead to others.  Obama, however, did address issues if asked about them.  Hillary is still not about to take leadership positions, but she goes Obama one better.  Hillary won't even address issues if asked.  I am not referring only to Hillary's hiding from the press; that is just one part of it.  NO, I am talking about Hillary simply refusing to take a position on important issues of the day.

Let's look at today's example.  In Iowa today, Hillary was asked if she supports or opposes the Keystone XL Pipeline.  That should not be a hard question for Mrs. Clinton.  The issue has been on the table for more than six years, so she has had ample time to familiarize herself with it.  Even more on point, during that whole time, the State Department is supposedly reviewing and studying the question of authorizing construction of the pipeline, so for the four years she was secretary of state, Hillary was directly in charge of that review.  So what is Hillary's position?  Today (and yesterday) she announced that she would not take a position on the pipeline unless it is still an open issue when she takes office.  WHEN SHE TAKES OFFICE!!!!!!!!!  In English, Hillary is saying that she won't take a position on the Keystone XL Pipeline until AFTER the 2016 election.  She wants America to vote for her, but she won't tell us her views on important issues.  She's too scared to lead.  She wants instead to hide under her bed and hope that the bad dream which is the Keystone Pipeline will go away.  That's what I call "leading from under the bed."

The truth is we should all call it what it truly is; it is proof that Hillary can never lead.  She can never be an effective president.


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