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Friday, July 31, 2015

The Real Question about Hillary's Classified Email

By now, you are probably tired of reading about Hillary Clinton's classified email.  Nevertheless, there is one question that no one seems to be asking, and it's, perhaps, the most important.  How can Hillary still have her server and how can Hillary and her lawyers still have copies of the email if we now know that they have classified information on them?

1.  At the moment, it is an established fact that Hillary Clinton's emails contain information that is classified.  We have, to start, the Inspector General of the Intelligence Agencies who says that a review of just a random sample of 40 of Hillary's email turned up 4 that contained classified information.  When the State Department released the first batch of Hillary's email to the public, it deleted sections of many of them because the information contained there was classified.  That means that both the Inspector General and the State Department view Hillary's emails as containing classified information.  Even Mrs. Clinton does not say anymore that there's nothing classified in her email.  Her current formulation is that she never "knowingly" sent classified information in her email.  She also argues that her sending email containing information that later became classified is not a problem. 

2.  We also know that Hillary's emails were sent on the server kept at Mrs. Clinton's home in New York.  While those emails may or may not have been deleted, there is general agreement that portions of those emails are likely still retrievable from the server. 

3.  We also know that Hillary's attorney has copies of all the emails.  We have heard that he has them in digital form on a thumb drive.  It is probably safe to say that Hillary, herself, has copies of those email too.

Put this together, and it means that classified documents (Hillary's emails) are in the possession of a former government employee (Hillary) who had a security clearance as well as that of her lawyer who does not have the same sort of security clearance.   It also means that classified documents are resident on a computer server not in the possession of the federal government.  Simply put, THERE IS NO WAY THAT THIS CLASSIFIED INFORMATION MAY BE HELD BY ANYONE OTHER THAN GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES OR AGENTS WITH THE APPROPRIATE SECURITY CLEARANCES.

So, without a doubt, Hillary's server needs to be turned over to the government.  The thumb drive of emails kept by the lawyer needs to be turned over to the government.  Hillary's copies of the emails need to be turned over to the government. 

This is not a minor issue.  General Petreus was convicted of a crime because he showed classified documents to his biographer who had a security clearance, but not one high enough to be allowed to see the documents in question.  Bill Clinton's National Security Advisor Sandy Berger was convicted of a crime because he took a few classified documents from the National Archives during the period after he left office.  Berger's position was much like Hillary's is now.  Both are former government employees who had the highest possible security clearance.  Both had possession of classified documents after leaving office.  Berger was punished as a criminal.  Hillary is instead running for president with no action by the federal government.  That's not right.

No matter what happens to Hillary, there is no question as to what ought to happen to the email, the copies of the email and the server.  They all need to be turned over to the federal government.



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