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Wednesday, July 15, 2015

So They Got It Wrong, But It is Still Settled Science

Remember Hurricane Katrina.  That's the hurricane that devastated New Orleans and the Gulf Coast.  At the time, we were told that Katrina was an indicator of things to come.  Man made global warming was going to cause more and worse severe weather.  Year after year, things would only get worse.  It was, after all, settled science.  There was no way to dispute it without being a heretic or a lunatic.

Here's the scoop:  we are now just two months from a ten year period in which no large hurricane has hit the USA.  That is the longest period on record during which there have been no large hurricanes.  But if you ask the global warming crowd, their predictions regarding the results of the man made global warming problem is still settled science.  Okay, so instead of more and worse severe weather, we got no large hurricanes.  Indeed, even the number of tornadoes in the USA has fallen to lows not seen in for many decades.  But those are just facts, and the global warming crowd has "settled science".

The sad thing is that some day, maybe even soon, the weather will shift and there will be large hurricanes again hitting the mainland.  The number of tornadoes will rise to higher than the long term average.  At that point, the global warming folks will all be on TV telling us with a straight face that the bad weather is the result of the carbon footprint of mankind.  After all, they have settled science on their side.


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