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Saturday, August 22, 2015

Does Hillary Have a Brain?

Hillary is in the Hamptons.  It almost sounds like the title of a boring novel.  The truth, however, is that it is really just a symptom of how clueless Mrs. Clinton really is.

Think about it.  Bill and Hillary are renting a beachfront house in the Hamptons for two weeks.  The rent is $100,000.  That's right, Hillary is spending one hundred thousand dollars for a two week rental.  It doesn't even come with meals; it's just for the house.  She's spending more than two average American households earn in a year for part of the cost of a two week vacation.

Now comes the good part.  She's interrupting that vacation to fly to Iowa on her private jet to talk about "reshuffling the deck" to favor the middle class.  Hillary won't even go near the middle class, instead she takes her vacation in the heart of the ultra rich area of Long Island.  Now, she supposedly cares about the middle class.

Before you write to tell me how Donald Trump is so rich, I agree:  he's rich.  Trump never pretends not to be rich.  He tells us over and over again about his wealth.  He revels in it.  I can't imagine Trump ever claiming to be "dead broke" as Hillary did.  By the way, Hillary claimed she and Bill were dead broke at a point where Bill had just gotten an advance for his memoirs of eight million dollars and he also was giving speeches for a quarter of a million dollars a pop.

Hillary is just so out of touch.  There are plenty of places she could have vacationed for one-tenth the cost.  It still would have been expensive, but not obscenely expensive.  She claims to care about the average American.  Who in his right mind would believe that?

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