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Saturday, August 29, 2015

Two Stories That Go Together

President Obama used his weekly (weakly?) radio speech to talk about climate change.  Obama said that one effect would be that the USA would get hit with more frequent and stronger storms.  Meanwhile, tropical storm Erika which was taking aim at Florida has fizzled out.  Erika is no longer even strong enough to qualify as a tropical storm.  This is what happened last week with another hurricane last week.  As a result, the United States remains in the longest stretch in recorded history without being hit by a major hurricane.

One has to wonder:  doesn't anyone at the White House actually consider reality?  Obama has been pushing the "more frequent and stronger storm" story for his entire time in office, but we just haven't had those storms.  One year without the storms would have been a normal variation.  Two or three would have been a strange coincidence.  Five years without major storms is clearly a trend, indeed a trend that proves that what Obama has been saying is WRONG!  Why is it that the facts don't matter to our president?

Add in the additional data that atmospheric temperatures measured by satellites worldwide have not risen for 18 years.  Over that time, the global warming models said that we should have seen a significant temperature rise.  The variation from the prediction is so great that the models on which the predictions are based have now been proven WRONG!  The proof is not subjective; it is regular scientific statistical analysis of data taken by machines (so there is no human error or judgment involved.)  Why does this fact also not matter to Obama?

The most amazing aspect of all this is that Obama wants to alter the entire US economy to prevent anthropomorphic global warming which isn't happening according to the data.  This will cost us all trillions of dollars.  What's next?  Will Obama want to build a wall along all our seacoasts to stop an invasion from the sunken continent of Atlantis?  It would make about as much sense.

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