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Sunday, August 16, 2015

Sixty And Counting

The Drudge Report is highlighting the news that the ongoing review of Hillary Clinton's emails has now found 60 containing classified information and the review is just starting.

Think about that.  Hillary set up her own personal and unsecured email system rather than use the federal secure system as required by law and regulation.  That means that she put all the information in her emails at risk of being stolen by foreign powers.  Indeed, that risk is the reason why it is illegal to use private email for government information and also illegal to store classified information on unsecured sites.  Hillary, by her own statements, knew all about these rules.  Even so, Hillary put at least sixty classified email on her unsecured site.  That included some Top Secret information which is much more restricted than even classified stuff.

When confronted about this, Hillary told the world that she never sent or received classified information in her email.  That was an obvious lie.  She might have missed one or even two, but sixty?  There is just no way that Hillary was telling the truth when she said there was no classified information on her unsecured email system.

For any other American, this breach of the law would mean indictment and conviction and prison.  The DOJ and president Obama have to treat Mrs. Clinton like anyone else.  She needs to be indicted.


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