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Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Making Things Worse

New York Times' columnist Paul Krugman is not one of my favorite people.  He won a Nobel Prize in economics for his work on international trade, but since then he has moved on to offer opinions on everything but his area of expertise.  Indeed, for someone who was recognized for his insights in a small area of economics, Krugman has the amazing ability to be blind to most of reality.  Today is no exception.  Krugman's latest effort is to label those people who support Donald Trump as "affluent white racists".

Think about that.  Trump is supported by wealthy white racists according to Krugman.  That claim would be pretty funny is it weren't so offensive.  Remember, there is no data about which people are supporting Trump at the moment.  Oh, there are some polls in which folks tell the pollster which candidate they support, but at this stage of the campaign, that is mostly a measure of name recognition (something Trump clearly has).  There is no Trump For America organization with tens of thousands of members.  There is not even a list of actual campaign contributors that can be reviewed.  In fact, Trump has done so few campaign appearances to date (other than on TV) that we cannot even look at the nature of the people in the crowds he has drawn.  The reality is that no one knows how many of the people support Trump's candidacy as opposed to just liking Trump from The Apprentice.  So we don't know who supports Trump, but Krugman is still willing to tell us all that they are "affluent white racists."

Look, I don't support Trump, so I take no offense at what Krugman has to say about the Trump supporters.  Still I can recognize BS when I see it.  I guess the only way to put this that would be understandable to Krugman is this:  Mr. Krugman, you are an affluent white MORON!  Calling a large group of unidentified people racist is total idiocy.  You are just making race relations in the country worse.  Each time the charge of racism is tossed around when it clearly does not apply, it becomes that much less important.


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