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Tuesday, August 11, 2015

FBI Siezes Clinton Email

It's about time!

The FBI has taken possession of the thumb drive with all of Hillary Clinton's email from her private unsecure computer system.  The drive was in the possession of Clinton's lawyer.  It has over 30,000 separate emails, but it does not contain another 30,000 or so that Clinton had "deleted" as personal.

Tonight, we learned that the Clinton email included not only classified material, but also information that was Top Secret.  In other words, Hillary sent email on her unsecure private system which included material that was classified at the second highest level possible.  This means also that the material was classified at the time Hillary first sent it.  Finally, it means that Hillary Clinton was telling a lie when she claimed last March that she never sent classified material on her unsecured private system.

It was the disclosure that some of the emails were Top Secret that finally got the FBI to go and confiscate the drives from Clinton's attorney.  It is outrageous that the FBI waited this long to act.

But let's look at the next steps here.  First of all, the remainder of Hillary's 30,000 email have to be reviewed to look for classified information.  All that has been done to date is for 40 to be selected at random in order to be reviewed.  It was among these 40 that the TOP SECRET documents were discovered.  If the percentage stays the same throughout the full 30,000 email, we could be looking at something like 3000 classified email being sent by Hillary on this unsecured private system.

Second, we have the question of whether or not Hillary's actions were criminal.  It is a federal crime to take possession of classified information and to hold it in a non-secured manner.  Having Hillary put the information on her unsecured private server is certainly to hold it in a non-secured manner.  Further, since some of the info was Top Secret, Hillary had to know that it was classified.  The reality of the situation is that Hillary ought to be prosecuted just as General Petreus was prosecuted when he kept classified information in a drawer in his home desk.

Just because Hillary's last name is Clinton does not give her the right to ignore the law.  She needs to be prosecuted.  At the very least, a special prosecutor ought to be appointed to look at the facts so as to consider whether or not she ought be prosecuted.


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