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Monday, August 5, 2013

We Really Have It Narrowed Down

This morning I actually heard a CBS radio report which said that American intelligence had gotten wind of a major terror attack.  The reporter than amplified the statement to say that we don't yet know the date, time, place or nature of this attack.  While this is nothing different than has previously been reported, it was nevertheless a stark reminder of just how little we do know.  So why did America close 22 embassies yesterday?  Why have we reopened half of them today?  Is there a box at the White House labeled "Things to do if terror attack suspected"?  If so, it must be filled with cards and president Obama picked the one that says "Terror attack suspected, close 22 embassies, do not pass Go, do not collect $200."

I must say, for a terror group that was all but destroyed according to Obama last fall, al Qaeda has certainly had a renaissance.


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