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Friday, September 4, 2015

A Twenty Year Record

The favorability ratings for Hillary Clinton just hit a twenty year low.  Think what that means.

1.  Hillary's ratings are lower now when she has no real opposition among Democrats that they were in 2007 and 2008 when president (then senator) Obama was constantly criticizing her.  The two main rivals among the Democrats today are Bernie Sanders who never says anything negative about Hillary, and Joe Biden who hasn't even decided to run yet and who is not saying much about anything.

2.  After twenty years in the public eye as first lady, senator, secretary of state and presidential candidate, Hillary has hit rock bottom in her approval by the public.  It's the opposite of building to a climax.  Indeed, everyone knows her and their opinions of her just keep getting worse.

3.  Hillary's collapse is a self inflicted wound.  Of course, violating federal law tends to hurt the esteem in which the pubic holds one.  Putting national security information at risk of disclosure is also not something that most people like to see come from the secretary of state.

The only conclusion one can draw from all this is that Hillary is toast.


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