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Tuesday, September 1, 2015

It's Really Gotten Beyond Comment

There's really nothing left to say about Hillary Clinton's email scandal.  It seems pretty clear that she violated the law by putting national security information on her private unsecured email system.  The latest 150 emails with classified information that were released last night, just confirm that this was Hillary's regular practice, not some sort of one time aberration.  Hillary's defense is that the emails were not "marked" classified, but that makes no difference.  The issue is whether or not this was sensitive national security information, not whether the documents had classified markings on them.  If there are 500 emails that cannot be released today because they contain sensitive national security information, then these same emails surely contained that sort of information when they were sent or received three or four years ago.  Indeed, the contents of the emails were obviously much more sensitive when the information was new.  The process will have to drag on, but it certainly looks like Hillary broke the law by her conduct.

For me, the most amazing thing about this entire mess is not that Hillary may have committed a federal crime.  It is instead that Hillary had to know what she was doing.  Here is a woman who has been planning to run for president ever since she lost in 2008, but she couldn't even see the damage that she would do to her chances if she were found to have mishandled classified information with a private email server.  Hillary knew the law, but she just did not think that it applied to her.  After all, she's a Clinton.  It is the most arrogant thing I ever remember seeing in politics.


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