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Thursday, January 21, 2016

Making Mountains Out Of Mole Hills

I saw a headline today on Reuters about how Israel had demolished EU "structures" in the West Bank.  It seemed odd that the Israelis would tear down buildings put up by the European Union, so I read the article.  It seems that the "structures" in question are five outhouses and one house that were put up without obtaining a building permit.  Is it conceivable that removal of five illegal outhouses and one house put up without getting the required permit could make international news anywhere else in the world?  Of course not.

I know the old expression is making mountains out of molehills.  We may need to change that into "making chasms out of small holes."  Or, since the main issue here is removal of some outhouses, maybe the headline should read "No Shit".

Reuters,  REALLY?????


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