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Wednesday, January 20, 2016

The Be All Of Bias

It's strange.  Even though I have read thousands of slanted articles in the mainstream media, I still find it odd when the news is presented in a totally biased manner.  That happened again just now when I read an article in the Los Angeles Times about the political situation in Germany.  It was written by someone named Jacob Heilbrunn from the National Journal.  The article discussed how the Germans are dealing with the refugees from the Middle East.

The first hint of bias came when the article spoke of "arson attacks on the homes of refugees" and in the next sentence of how "hundreds of Arab and North African men allegedly molested and harassed German women" on New Year's Eve.  Why is it that the arson is taken for granted but the sex attacks are only "alleged"?  But then, it gets worse.  The main group opposing admission of additional immigrants above the 1.5 million already in Germany is actually described as "not explicitly fascist."  Get it?  Anyone in Germany who does not want to take in still more refugees is a Nazi.

Look, it's up to the German people if they want to let in more refugees.  At the moment roughly 2% of the entire population in Germany consists of recent refugees from Syria and the Middle East.  That's roughly the same as if the USA suddenly admitted seven million refugees.  In other words, it's a lot of people.  Not everyone who opposes additional refugees is a racist or a fascist just like not everyone who wants to let in more refugees is a terrorist sympathizer or a brain-dead idiot.  It's a political debate.

So why must the media present this news in such one-sided fashion?


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