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Sunday, January 17, 2016

The Cash Goes To Iran

The winner of the Powerball lottery was not the government of Iran.  They were not engaged in anything involving such a small amount of cash as 1.6 billion dollars.  No, Iran today started getting roughly 150 billion dollars now that president Obama lifted sanctions on them.

In many ways, today's events seem the rough equivalent of when president Roosevelt sent $30 billion to the Japanese right after they attacked Pearl Harbor or when President Lincoln sent weapons to the Confederate army right after they shelled the Union troops in Fort Sumter.  In other words, what Obama did today is something no other president in history has ever done.  No president has given an enormous boost in cash and prestige to a country that had repeatedly attacked American troops, killed thousands, and announced as its goal the destruction of the USA.  No president, that is, until Obama.

Today's events are the culmination of a lengthy delusion held by Obama and his advisors.  They are prisoners of the ideology; they view the world the way they believe it should be rather than the way it actually is.  Since the birth of the Islamic republic of Iran in 1978, the Iranians have been constant enemies of the USA.  It's not that we have been their enemies, but no matter what has happened, they have been our enemies.  Their national goals have always included destruction of the country that they call "The Great Satan", the USA.  Iran has repeatedly armed terrorists around the world.  They spent years shipping IED's and other weapons to the forces in Iraq that were fighting and killing our soldiers.  They also spent many, many years developing the infrastructure so that they could produce nuclear weapons and delivery systems that could get those weapons to the USA.  The Obama delusion is that the Iranians have now given up on getting those nukes and missiles.  We know, however, that they have not given up.  Within the last few months, Iran has carried out two separate missile tests that were barred by specific resolution of the UN Security Council and by the deal that Obama reached with Iran.  Nevertheless, since Obama does not want to look ineffectual, he is sending the enormous amount of cash to the Iranians in the hope that they will not use it for weapons, terrorism, nuclear bombs, missiles or the like.  It is as if you gave twenty packets of heroin to an addict in the hopes that he or she would turn the packets in to the police.  It just won't happen, and any rational person would know that.

From this afternoon on, the world is a significantly more dangerous place.  We have only Obama as well as Clinton and Kerry who advised him on this mess to thank for that great increase in danger to America.


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