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Thursday, August 21, 2014

Obama As you've Never Seen Him Before

I started laughing out loud when I read the analysis of president Obama's statement on the killing of James Foley in Business Insider.  I seriously do not know if Business Insider has anything to do with actual business, since all I ever see from them are puff pieces on Obama and the Democrats or harsh slams of Republicans.  Even so, this latest effort was so ridiculous that I could not contain the laughter.

According to BusIn, yesterday showed Obama "as you've never seen him before."  He was "Bushian" and he used the death of Foley to switch the strategy in Iraq to a long term battle against ISIS.  BusIn then quickly says that this new battle will be portrayed as part of the war on terror rather than a war in Iraq because Americans all view the Iraq War as a "disaster".  BusIn says that the reason for the big change by Obama was the release of the video of the beheading of James Foley on youtube.

Put aside for the moment that Obama finally may have armed conflict that actually stems from a youtube video.  Consider instead the utter ridiculousness of what Business Insider is saying.  Obama is supposedly unleashing the US military on ISIS because of a video of a beheading?  I mean no disrespect to James Foley, but his death was probably the 2500th beheading, crucifixion or suffocation by being buried alive by ISIS in just the last month.  It can't be that things are different because he was an American citizen.  After all, one of the three teens in Israel who was kidnapped and murdered by terrorist group Hamas was also an American and all Obama did was to counsel restraint and patience by the Israelis.  So was it the video?  Was this the first time Obama saw someone murdered by the Islamic crazies?  Didn't he ever see the video of the horror of 9-11?  Do those 3000 dead not count because it was 13 years ago?

The truth is that the view of Business Insider is important, but not because of any insight by that media outlet into what is happening.  No, It is important because it shows the utter cluelessness that many on the left have with regard to events in the Middle East.  A discussion about the national interests of the USA gets lost in the mist when the liberals get involved.  They stick to "war is bad and we need peace" no matter what is at stake.  Of course, once we have a "victim" like Foley, that changes everything.  Liberals are all about protecting "victims".  That is true even if there are no victims and even if the liberals' victims of choice are actually the perpetrators of evil.  (I certainly do not mean to refer to Foley here.) 

The real truth is that Obama gave a lackadaisical statement yesterday about James Foley.  There was no anger.  There did not even seem to be much attention being paid.  It was Obama as we always see him.  There was nothing new.


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