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Sunday, August 17, 2014

So Where's the UN Investigation

The news reports are telling us that in the last week, ISIS has executed over 700 members of the al-Sheitaat tribe in Syria.  Some of the men killed were crucified, some were beheaded, and the others were either shot or killed with a bayonet.  The tribe members were killed because the al-Sheitaat had opposed ISIS rule in their area.  The large majority of the dead are civilians who took no part in fighting. 

ISIS justified the executions for the purported crime of "dealing with apostates".  To be clear, an apostate, according to the ISIS view of the world, is anyone who does not believe in Islam exactly as ISIS does.  Even though the al-Sheitaat are Sunni and the ISIS fighters are Sunni, it was not enough to save the people from the tribe because they were allied with other people who, as enemies of ISIS, were labeled as apostates.

So where is the UN investigation?  Why can ISIS commit these unspeakable war crimes in which it attempts to terrorize local populations into obeying ISIS with essentially no international outrage?  I realize that these 700 people are just a few more statistics in a Syrian war that has already killed over 200,000; nevertheless, the cold blooded terrorist murder of these people deserves attention.

The inhumanity of the Islamic terrorists is an amazing thing. 


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