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Sunday, August 10, 2014

TNR Figures It Out

Were you wondering why president Obama has gotten America back involved in Iraq?  Don't fret, The New Republic has figured it all out.  In an article by John Judis in TNR, readers are told that America is only acting for one reason: oil.  The Kurds have oil fields in their region you see, and ISIS is advancing on the Kurdish areas. 

The simplistic "analysis" in TNR was so idiotic and so much a product of ideology rather than fact, that I kept looking for the section in the article where Judis blamed the American actions on the Koch Brothers.  After all, the Kochs are hated by the left and they are (gasp!) in the oil industry.  Surely, they must have manipulated president Obama into acting to protect oil by attacking the ISIS fighters.

It would be nice, just for once, if a rag like TNR would publish reality based articles.  For those of you who may not be aware of it, ISIS fighters have been capturing oil fields for quite some time now.  They have also captured areas through which oil pipelines run.  None of that moved Obama into action.  Indeed, if oil could motivate Obama to take action, American forces would not have left Iraq thereby putting huge oil reserves at risk.  Nor would our troops have stayed out of the country once Ramadi and Fallujah fell many months ago.

I find it strangely amusing that Obama finally acts in Iraq only once 40,000 civilians are stranded on a mountain surrounded by ISIS troops who want the refugees dead.  Had Obama acted earlier, these 40,000 people would likely still be in their homes and not facing imminent death.  Nevertheless, Obama decides to step in and help, and the response from the president's leftist base is that he is only acting to protect oil reserves.  It is a bizarre and moronic argument, but it is amusing nevertheless, because it sounds like something senator Obama would have said eight years ago.


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