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Tuesday, September 2, 2014

CNN Tries To Cover For Obama

For the last six years, the mainstream media has tried at all times to protect the image of president Obama.  No group has tried harder in this effort than CNN.  The tone at CNN is meant to convey impartiality, but the stories are always slanted towards protecting Obama.  Today brings the latest of these efforts as CNN tries to explain how it is possible that America has no strategy for dealing with ISIS.  The article from CNN is entitled "Why a strategy to fight ISIS in Syria will take time".

According to CNN, any strategy to deal with ISIS will require not only military input, but also inclusion of ideas and data from the intelligence services and the Departments of State and Homeland Security.  CNN tells us plaintively that these things take time.  Then, CNN goes on to say that we want a strategy that works this time, unlike the last time we got involved in the Middle East.  So in one article, CNN takes a swing at George Bush and justifies Obama's inability to have a strategy yet for dealing with ISIS.

Let's stop here.  We need to remember just one point before we go on.  In August 2013 which is over one year ago, president Obama was asked at a press conference about America's strategy for dealing with the various terrorist groups like ISIS that were operating in Syria.  Obama said at the time that his administration was developing a strategy for dealing with these groups in Syria and would work to complete that effort.  Again, THAT WAS MORE THAN A YEAR AGO!!!!!!!  CNN ignores this point completely.  Instead, CNN treats the issue as if Obama and the federal government were starting from scratch to create a strategy for dealing with ISIS, but that is not the case.

Look, I know that this is an administration that was unable to build a working website after spending close to a billion dollars over three years.  They're incompetent, I get that.  But the idea that over a year after announcing that he would bring to completion the federal effort to devise a strategy for dealing with ISIS, Obama is still saying that there is no such strategy is much more than troubling.  This is not just incompetence; it is willful neglect.  Indeed, even if Obama thought that ISIS would just fade away an result in no problems for the USA, that view was shown to be wrong last January when ISIS forces conquered Ramadi and Fallujah in Iraq.  The only reasonable conclusion is that Obama actively avoided deciding on a strategy to deal with ISIS.  CNN is wrong; there is no excuse for Obama's failure to act.  It is not a question of lack of time; Obama had over a year to complete the task.  He had his chance to act, and he chose not to do so.  Now the world is paying the consequences for Obama's mistake.


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