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Monday, June 9, 2014

Another Obama Excuse Crumbles

It was just a few days ago that we heard from the Obamacrats that the reason they did not notify Congress prior to the Bergdahl for terrorist leader swap was because the White House was concerned that any leak of the deal would result in the Taliban killing Bergdahl.  This, of course, was ridiculous when it was said; the congressional leaders who needed to be notified are certainly able to keep secrets if necessary.  They have done so many times in the past. 

Today, that excuse was made to look even worse.  We have now learned that the prisoners in Guantanamo who were part of the swap knew well in advance of the trade that it was being concluded.  Indeed, the lawyer in New York who represented these prisoners confirmed that many in Guantanamo knew of the forthcoming trade.  By the way, the New York lawyer in question also knew about the trade.  So the terrorist leaders and their attorneys knew that a swap was being finalized, but Congress was kept in the dark by the White House.  Somehow it seems symbolic that Obama and his people trusted the terrorists more than they trusted Congress. 

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