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Friday, August 8, 2014

Another Day, Another Outrage

So what is the outrage of the day?  It sometimes seems that at the moment, some many terrible things are happening that we ought to give a prize for the outrage of the day.  Then we could name the outrage of the month and the year as time passes.

Of course, I am not serious.  Nevertheless, if we were going to name today's outrage then the award should go to ISIS kidnapping hundreds of Iraqi women under the age of 35.  The women are Yazidis and they are being held in Mosul to satisfy the needs of the ISIS fighters.  Why wait until paradise for 72 virgins when you can have your pick of hundreds of Yazidi women right here on Earth?

This is the sort of incredible outrage that should be resulting in protests around the world.  After all, the terrorists are treating these women as nothing more than sex slaves.  The behavior by ISIS reveals a complete contempt for women, for anyone who does not follow the "approved" version of Sunni Islam and for any concept of inherent human worth.  Why is nothing being said by the various supposedly pro-women's rights groups in America that will demonstrate in the streets in support of government subsidized birth control and make the issue sound like the most important possible women's right known to man.  Why doesn't the State Department even have one of their goofy hashtags for these women like they did when Boko Haram kidnapped the school girls in Nigeria?  I mean what will we hear next?  Will Nancy Pelosi tell us that ISIS is actually a humanitarian organization?  Will Jimmy Carter announce that ISIS is a valid political organization?  Where is the actual outrage?


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