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Wednesday, August 6, 2014

In Case You Missed This

Most Americans are unaware that for the last week there has been serious and deadly fighting going on in Lebanon.  That's right, another Middle East country is "hosting" a battle between the Islamic crazies and government forces.  On one side the fighters are affiliated with ISIS, the extreme Islamist Sunnis who have overrun much of Iraq and Syria.  On the other side is the army of Lebanon.  In just the last week, the death toll among soldiers is over 150 dead.  Civilian deaths are at least twice that number.  The ISIS forces took some towns inside Lebanon and the army shelled them to stop the ISIS troops, thereby killing hundreds of Lebanese civilians.

I point out this conflict because the Lebanese army in the last week has killed many times more civilians than those who died during the same time in the fighting in Gaza which is constantly the focus of the media.  Where are the protests of the dead in Lebanon?  Where are the statements of outrage from the UN about the deaths of all these Lebanese civilians?  Why is there not even any coverage of the story in the media?

It is just a replay of the situation in Syria.  In that country, 200,000 have died and millions have been made homeless.  No one cares.  It is truly disgusting.


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