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Monday, July 21, 2014

It Sounds Like A Scientific Consensus

Today brought a slew of articles in various journals which claim that the Iron Dome system employed by Israel to destroy incoming missiles from Gaza is actually not working well.  Examples of these articles are here and here.  The claim from these scientists is that Iron Dome destroys at most 5% of targeted missiles rather than 90% as the Israeli government claims.  They go on to explain that the low casualty figures in Israel are the result of warning sirens that give people 15 seconds to take cover.

I checked to make sure that these were not hoax articles or parodies of some sort.  They are not.  these are actual articles written by supposed scientists who "prove" that Iron Dome does not work.  Now we know that Hamas has fired hundreds of missiles towards Tel Aviv.  We also know that in that city there are representatives of every major western news organization.  If the missiles from Gaza were getting through, there would be substantial damage visible across the city.  Of course, there is none.  Remember, a 15 second warning might give people the chance to seek shelter and perhaps reduce the human suffering, but 15 second warnings do not allow the Israelis to move buildings, streets and other structures out of harms way.

The truth is that these so called scientists are the living embodiment of that old laugh line, "who are you going to believe, me or your lying eyes?"  These people have managed not just to deceive themselves about the success or failure of Iron Dome.  No, they have also managed to put themselves in writing in places like the Journal of the Atomic Scientists so that they will become laughing stocks for the rest of their careers.  What can they do for an encore?  Will the next article be about all the secret damage inflicted on New York City by the great Martian invasion of 2013? 

Just remember these scientists the next time someone tells you about the scientists who are just certain that man-made global warming is real.


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