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Tuesday, July 29, 2014

The Idea of Truth and Honesty

Remember the adage "Honesty is the best policy" and George Washington supposedly saying "I cannot tell a lie"?  How about "The truth will set you free"?  If you like, how about "This will be the most transparent administration ever"?  Truth, openness and honesty have been ideals of the American people for centuries.  Without a doubt, we have not always satisfied the requirements of those ideals, but at least we always knew that they were something towards which to strive.  Americans wanted their leaders to tell them the truth.  Americans wanted to believe what the president said.  Americans wanted to believe that they were being treated like responsible adults who could hear the truth and then act appropriately.

Today there is a large group of people who clearly no longer believe in these concepts.  So much of the government functions on a dishonest basis that no one could possible believe what comes out of Washington.  Each time there is a major crisis or problem in the USA these days, it is dealt with by lies coming from Washington.  At the start of the Obama presidency, the lies were reserved for the big stuff.  The president wanted Obamacare passed, so we got "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor, period!" and the corresponding lies regarding keeping ones policy and saving $2500 per family.  On many other issues, however, Obama revealed the truth.  Remember when Obama told us that under his plans for using coal for energy, "energy costs will necessarily skyrocket"?  It was an idiotic and destructive policy for the USA, but at least Obama was honest about it. 

The problem with Obama's initial positions was that they resulted in a massive swing towards the Republicans in the 2010 elections.  After that, Obama and his people seemed to have realized that the best way for them to go was just to tell lies and more lies.  Obama talked and talked about the need for compromise and his willingness to do just that, but he would never even meet to discuss a compromise and certainly never moved to agree on anything.  As we got closer to the 2012 elections, the amount of lies spewed from the Democrats grew larger and larger.  Some were clearly ridiculous like Harry Reid's claim that he knew that Mitt Romney had not paid taxes for ten years.  And how about the crazy idea that the Republicans were somehow opposed to the use of birth control measures?  It was just another lie, but it worked.  When Benghazi was attacked by terrorists, Obama went to his usual strategy; it was just a mob angry about a youtube video we were told.  That lie went on for three or four weeks even though no one in authority had any reason to believe it and they all knew the actual truth.  The reality of the 2012 election is that Obama did not win on the strength of his ideas or accomplishments, but rather on the basis of the lies he told about Mitt Romney and the GOP.  But Obama won.

After the election was over, the lies did not lessen; they increased.  We have lies about the IRS scandal.  We have lies about the VA scandal.  We have lies about the NSA.  We have lies about Obamacare implementation.  In foreign policy, it seems that all we have is lies.  The problem has gotten so severe, that the majority of Americans now understand the tactic.  In opinion polls, the American people say that they no longer believe much of what the president tells them.  Obama has managed to take the credibility of the president and flush it down the toilet.  It is a terrible crisis.

The problem is that the level of dishonesty has gotten even worse.  The latest example is the claim by the Democrats that Republicans are going to impeach president Obama.  That is not just a lie, but a laughable lie.  There would be no point to impeaching Obama since he could never be convicted and removed from office while the Democrats control the senate.  But we have now had four days of impeachment talk -- except it all comes from Democrats who denounce it. 

One has to wonder if in November the lies will work again for the Democrats.  Are American voters so disinterested and gullible that they will swallow the bs being tossed out by the Democrats?  Will the voters understand the dishonesty of Obama's party and exact a heavy price for the use of that tactic?  It is going to be very interesting indeed.


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