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Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Reid Between the Limes

I have this persistent mental picture of senator Harry Reid sitting in his office sipping on yet another gin and tonic (garnished with a lime wedge) immediately before he meets with the media.  In truth, in my image, Reid has many more than one of those drinks before he attempts to address the issues with reporters.  How else can we explain the bizarre things that Reid says in his recent interviews; he must be drinking heavily.  Just look at the examples:  first Reid called the Supreme Court Justices who supported the majority opinion in the Hobby Lobby case "five old white men."  Justice Thomas would certainly be surprised by that one.  I won't go down the entire list, but now Reid has announced that America's border with Mexico is "secure".  Thousands of illegals are crossing that border each day, and we are witnessing a crisis that is admitted by both president Obama and his party on the one hand and by the Republicans on the other hand.  No one in his right mind could claim that the border is "secure", but Reid is out there doing it nevertheless.

Maybe the best thing we can all do for America is to send Harry Reid the phone number for the local AA group in DC.


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