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Sunday, July 20, 2014

What To Do, What To Do?

The media is now all focused on whether or not the "investigators" are able to get access to the crash site of the Malaysian Airlines jet in eastern Ukraine.  I realize that president Obama talked about the need for a full investigation, but why is the media buying into this nonsense?  We know that the plane was shot down by a Russian SA-11 missile fired from the area controlled by the Russian separatists.  We know that the attack on the plane was reported back to the Russians as it was taking place.  We have tapes of the phone calls.  So what will the investigation tell us?  The only thing we don't know at this moment is whether or not there were Russians at the controls of the anti-aircraft missile battery when the SA-11 was launched and if they were following orders from Moscow.  No investigation at the crash site will tell us the answer to that one.  In other words, the investigation is meaningless; it will shed no additional light on this mess.  Indeed, the Ukrainian government has released information that it says demonstrates that Russian military personnel were at the controls of the missile when the plane was shot down, so even that last question may have been answered.

So why, if the investigation is not needed, is Obama so focused on an investigation, and why is the media following his lead?  For Obama, there are a few reasons:  1) Obama always uses an investigation as his fall back position.  When he did not have a good response to the IRS targeting conservatives, he initiated an investigation which never got completed.  When the NSA spying on basically everyone was disclosed, Obama started an investigation.  When four Americans were killed in a terror attack in Benghazi, there was--you guessed it-- and investigation by the State Department ARB which, of course, found no wrongdoing of any sort.  2) Obama wants to appear to be doing something about the plane while not actually doing anything.  Calling for an investigation to discover facts that we already know sounds good to the people who have not paid close attention to this matter.  Meanwhile, Obama does not have to make a decision how to proceed in his dealing with Russia and Ukraine.  3)  Until the investigation is completed, Obama is able to hide behind it.  Was the "reset" with Russia a mistake?  Well, maybe, but we really ought to wait until the investigation is completed before we decide that.  Is Vladimir Putin actually subverting his neighbors in hopes of re-establishing the Russian Empire?  Again, maybe, but we ought to wait for the investigation to end before discussing that.  Should America send arms to Ukraine?  Maybe, but it's premature to decide issues like that until the investigation is completed. 

For the media, the issue is different.  Some in the media do not understand that they are being fed misinformation.  They really think that the investigation will make a difference.  These are the true idiots of the mainstream media.  For many others, the realization is there that the investigation means nothing, but they also realize that if they publicize that fact, Obama will be made to look stupid or dishonest.  They just cannot bring themselves to do anything that might harm Obama.  There are also those who want to make certain that the USA does not get involved in Ukraine.  For this group, an investigation is perfect. It allows action that will satisfy the public's desire that something be done, but it does not move the USA any closer to involvement in Ukraine.

Of course, the true problem is that three hundred people were murdered and nothing is being done about it. 


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