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Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Time For A Special Prosecutor

There was more news today about the "lost" emails of Lois Lerner and her colleagues.  If you don't remember what happened at the IRS, here is a short chronology:

1.  An investigation was begun into claims that the IRS was targeting conservative groups seeking tax exempt status from the IRS.

2.  About ten days later, the hard drive on Lois Lerner's computer just happened to crash.  All of Lerner's emails and other records were lost.

3.  In the next few months, the hard drives holding the email of six other IRS employees involves in the targeting scandal also "crashed", thereby erasing their email as well.

4.  Although the IRS servers were set to record all email being sent in or out of the agency, somehow the email for these employees were "erased" roughly about the same time as the computer crashes.

5.  The IRS says that this was all just a coincidence and there was no attempt to erase the records that would show wrongdoing.

6.  Lerner refused to answer any questions put to her by Congress on the grounds that answers might tend to incriminate her.

The American people have all seen through this fictitious "loss" of email and other records.  Nearly three quarters of those polled believe that all that happened is an IRS coverup.

Now, however, we get even more clear proof of wrongdoing by Lerner and the IRS.  One email that Congressional investigators have managed to recover went from Lerner to those working with her at the IRS.  In that email Lerner warns that there could be Congressional investigations into the IRS, so it is very important to be careful not to put things into email.  In other words, Lerner warns those who work for her not to put in writing any of the harmful stuff that they are doing.  On top of this, Lerner then asks some other folks at IRS whether the instant messaging service at the IRS preserves those messages.  When she is told that the IM's are not recorded, Lerner responds "Perfect."

It is hard to imagine a better reason for there to be a special prosecutor.  We now have proof of Lerner and her coworkers (co-conspirators?)  worrying about concealing their messages from Congress.  It is time for a special prosecutor to be appointed.


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