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Wednesday, August 29, 2018

A Comedy Tonight

I decided to watch the NY Democrat primary debate between governor Andrew Cuomo and challenger Cynthia Nixon, so I tuned in about 7:15.  I missed the first fifteen minutes.  It was hysterical, a proverbial race to the bottom.  Andrew Cuomo seemed incredibly idiotic.  The first thing I heard him say was about the rampant corruption in his administration and in Albany.  He actually said that "everyone agrees that [he] has nothing to do with that corruption."  Really?  For the last three years, Cuomo has been at the center of investigations by both state and federal officials.  His aides have been convicted of corruption.  Leaders of the state legislature have also been convicted.  Cuomo's name has been dragged through trial after trial about corruption.  Still, he has the nerve to say that everyone AGREES that he has nothing to do with corruption.  During that incredible answer, Nixon interrupted Cuomo explaining why had couldn't get rid of corruption in Albany.  When Cuomo admonished her for lying, Nixon said, "I'll stop interrupting when you stop lying."

After that, Cuomo went on to accuse Nixon, as a "corporate campaign donor", of asking the mayor of New York City for favors.  Nixon again interrupted to say that she isn't a corporation.  Cuomo insisted that she is a corporation and donated as such.  Nixon looked quizzically at Cuomo and said that she was a person not a corporation.  She also said that she had called the mayor's office to ask that helicopter flights be stopped over Central Park during performances of Shakespeare in the Park.  That's a free public performance of Shakespeare given outdoors in Central Park in the summer.  Cuomo said she was asking a favor as a corporate donor for her friends.  Nixon said that she was asking for the public who go to these performances, not friends and reminded Cuomo that she was not a corporation.  The governor then made some cryptic reference to another favor Nixon supposedly requested and she said she had no idea what he was talking about.  Cuomo told her to "read the papers".  Cynthia responded that she would do that.  It was laughable how dumb Cuomo seemed.

Then things moved on.  Nixon was asked about her stance in favor of legalized pot.  What would she say to the parents of teens who they are trying to discourage from using drugs.  Nixon went off on her standard answer on pot.  Legalization is essential, she says, because it is needed for racial justice.  I'm not kidding.  Cynthia Nixon believes that having marijuana not be legal is racist.  That's ridiculous and was bad enough, but then it got worse.  The moderator asked Nixon a follow up.  It was the same question.  What would you say to the parents of teens who they are trying to discourage from using drugs?  Nixon stuttered and had nothing to say.  She had already given her prepared answer and she was at a loss for words.  As an actress, she had delivered the prepared lines well.  However, as an actress, she didn't know what to say when no one had written lines for her.

I gave up.  It was a total moron debating and actress with a prepared script.  There was no point to watching.  It took only a few minutes to figure that out.

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