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Friday, August 31, 2018

Two Different Universes

ABC/Washington Post are at it again.  They put out a poll today that shows President Trump's job approval rating at 38% favorable and 60% unfavorable.  That's not just a negative poll; it's way more unfavorable than others.  For example, yesterday, the Rasmussen poll on the same question found the difference between unfavorable and favorable to be 3% rather than the 22% found by the ABC/WaPo poll.  There's no way both could be correct.

It is worth noting that Rasmussen is a daily poll and over the last month, the results each day have varied between a tie on favorable/unfavorable to 6% unfavorable.  That makes yesterday's 3% right in the middle of 30 polls.  The ABC/WaPo poll seems to have polled people in a different universe.

I have grown so distrustful of the mainstream media, and especially the WaPo, that my first impression is that this latest poll is a fraud.  The campaign for November starts in earnest on Tuesday, so this poll allows the media to claim that Trump is a dead weight around the necks of the GOP (even if it is not true.)  It's a sad day for America when we have to assume that the mainstream media is lying.

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