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Monday, August 20, 2018

Mr Cheerful, George Will

Do you know who George Will is?  If you watch cable news, you've seen him.  He's a rather soft spoken pundit with a preference for big words.  He's also partial to bowties.  Oh, I left out the most important part:  he's a pompous fool who is certain that he is always correct.  (I realize that this description--the pompous fool part, not the bowties,etc-- describes a big chunk of the punditry on cable news.  Still Will is in a league of his own when it comes to thinking himself above the hoi polloi.  And he's always disapproving of something.

For example, Will's latest commentary discusses how a major economic collapse is coming.  Will, of course, doesn't say when or how the collapse will occur, he just scoffs at current growth and reminds us all that sooner or later it will all come crashing down.  If it doesn't happen, he will just claim that it hasn't happened YET.  If it does happen, we will get the George Will "I told you so."

There used to be a market for pundits like Will.  They tried so very hard to seem above the crowd while dispensing mundane and pedantic commentary.  Now, with the hard crashing combat in the political arena, a pundit like Will just seems an anachronism.  He's casting a jaundiced eye while other pundits are beating each other about the head and shoulders.  As a result of the change in the news atmosphere, Will is now relegated to appearing on those panels on CNN along with seemingly limitless numbers of other commentators.  Most likely, he will soon vanish as even the CNN audience grows tired of hearing from him.

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