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Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Brennan Loses His Security Clearance

John Brennan, formerly head of the CIA, has lost his security clearance.  Supposedly this is big news, but in reality  it isn't.  Brennan has been using his continuing access to national security info as part of what he provides in his appearances on cable news channels where he makes a bundle.  That's just wrong.  National security secrets should not form the basis for the livelihood of a former CIA director.

The best policy would be for the President to just revoke the clearances of all those who no longer work for the government.  That's what makes the most sense.  Why should our secrets still be within the purview of former officials?  What's the point of it?  They are just another potential source of leaks.

UPDATE:  Within minutes of the announcement that Brennan had lost his clearance, CNN reported that the President made the decision without even consulting the current Director of National Intelligence, Dan Coats.  That turned out to be yet another lie..err mistake.. by CNN.  Why is it that so many of the anti-Trump stories that CNN pushes out turn out to be false?  Do they really have sources for them or are these just wishful thinking by reporters who want to "get" Trump?

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