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Sunday, August 19, 2018

Another Outrage by ICE -- They Arrest a Man Taking His Wife to the Hospital

Yesterday, the mainstream media went to town reporting on the story of a California man who was stopped and taken into custody by ICE as the man was driving his wife to the hospital to deliver their child.  The stories focused on the wife/mother who had to drive the rest of the way to the hospital herself even though she was in labor.  She made it and mother and son are doing fine.

But here's the piece missing from the first batch of stories:  the guy arrested was wanted for murder.  Sure, he was an illegal alien, but he was wanted for murder.  That's MURDER in case you missed it.

Is there really anyone out there who says that ICE should have let the guy go despite the murder charges?  I don't think so.  Even the most strident opponent of ICE and immigration enforcement would admit that murder is a sufficient reason to arrest someone even if he's here illegally.

So far, we've heard no excuses or apologies from the media for failing to report that the guy was arrested for murder.  I'm not waiting to hear any either.

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