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Friday, August 17, 2018

Keith Ellison -- Is He Being Forced Out Now?

I often read Powerline blog.  It is written by four people, two of whom are located in Minnesota, so it is a great place to get news about events in that state.  Today, they are posting a prediction that Keith Ellison is about to be forced to step down from his position as the Democrat candidate for Attorney General in that state.  Who knows if they are correct, but they surely know a lot more about it than most of the rest of us.

It's rather strange.  Ellison gets accused of abusing his formed girlfriend and the accusation is much more credible than most of the #MeToo claims.  Ellison denies it and the media ignores it.  Then a 911 call record of another claim of abuse of a girlfriend by Ellison surfaces and the media doesn't report it.  Then comes the primary and Ellison wins easily.  Now, three days later, the media is starting to cover the story in earnest.  Today, there are reports all over the place of an interview that the first alleged victim gave.  The drumbeat is starting.

Ellison is a truly bad guy.  He started by being a follower of Louis Farrakhan of the Black Muslims.  Ellison then got elected to Congress and to be vice chair of the DNC.  What better "diversity" could the DNC embrace than a black man who was the first Muslim in Congress?  But for all the diversity boxes that he checks, Ellison remains a bad guy.  It will be a great outcome if he is forced to drop out of the AG's race because of past assaults on women.

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