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Friday, August 10, 2018

Another Democrat Core Constituency Starts To Move

According to the latest Reuters Ipsos poll, millenials are moving away from the Democrats.  The poll of young voters found that the percentage planning to support Democrats in the November election is 9 points lower than in 2016.  Republicans are 2% higher and undecided or "won't vote" picks up the remaining 7%.  The main reason for the shift is the view among these voters that Republicans have done a much better job managing the economy than the Democrats did under Obama.

Is this a game changer?  Nope, it's just one more poll to throw into the mix.  Does it indicate a potential problem for the Democrats?  You bet it does.  The Republicans have picked up support among young voters, black voters, Hispanic voters and all manner of core Democrat constituencies.  If there were a shift of 9% of millenials towards the GOP in the congressional vote in 2018 compared to 2016, there would be no way that the GOP could lose.  If you throw in the declining share the Democrats are getting of black, Hispanic and Asian voters (according to the polls), it would seem pretty certain that the GOP will hold Congress.

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