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Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Has He Lost His Mind?

Andrew Cuomo is the governor of New York.  He's running for re-election and is in a primary fight with Cynthia Nixon, a far left candidate who has nothing going for her other than her role on the Sex in the City TV show.  Cuomo is far ahead in the polls, but he is still running scared.  As a result he keeps moving more and more left in his statements and actions.

Since this is New York, it is hard to see how Cuomo could go too far left, but he seems to be trying to do that anyway.  Today, he was at an event for women and girls in the Empire state and he decided to address president Trump's slogan of "make America great again."  Here's what Cuomo said:  "We're not going to make America great America.  It was never that great."

Imagine that.  I know that the left wants to blame the USA for all the ills in the world, but it is still jarring to hear the governor of a large state tell a crowd that American "was never that great."  I guess becoming the strongest nation in the world with the biggest economy and the greatest universities and best public health etc. was just a fluke.  Nothing great about that at all.  In fact, all those people who keep trying to get into this country both legally and illegally must be looking for a mediocre life since there's nothing that great here.

Cuomo is really a moron.  There's just no two ways to look at that.

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