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Tuesday, August 14, 2018

The Ellison Mess Gets Worse

In the last few days, Keith Ellison was accused of sexual and other abuse of his former girlfriend.  Ellison denies the charge, but the girlfriend seems quite credible.  Ellison, of course, is the vice chairman of the Democrat National Committee, a Minnesota congressman and now a primary candidate for Attorney General of Minnesota.  Until now, he was best known as the first Muslim member of Congress and a supporter of Nation of Islam minister Louis Farrakhan.  Now, things just go a whole lot worse for Ellison.  Records of a 911 call reporting Ellison as assaulting his then girlfriend in 2005 were just posted on line.  You can see them here.  The first charges were always going to be disputed, but this 911 call record makes clear that Ellison can't just deny the truth of that charge.  He's going to have to explain what happened.

Most likely, Ellison will still win his primary today.  It is possible, however, that he will be forced from the race before November or at least beaten at that time.

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