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Saturday, August 11, 2018

The Avatar of Democratic Socialism

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was named the "new face of the Democrat Party" by much of the media when she won a primary against a senior member of the party's congressional leadership.  Since the New York district where she won the primary is overwhelmingly Democrat, she will be elected to the House in November.  Ocasio-Cortez is a Socialist.  That made her a celebrity with the media.  She was living proof that the Democrats could go further left and embrace socialism and still win.  As a result, the media launched her onto the national stage.

Now it's over a month later.  Ocasio-Cortez has campaigned all over the USA for a bunch of other candidates.  So far, after primaries in a bunch of states in which she endorsed candidates, not a single one that she supported has yet to win.  Ocasio-Cortez has turned out not only to be the kiss of death for candidates she supports, but also a moron.  She makes statements that can only be described as idiotic.

Because of her poor performance, even the media has started to distance itself from her.  Just yesterday, the Washington Post did an article fact-checking about eight of Ocasio-Cortez's statements made in various interviews.  Guess what.  The WaPo found every one of Ocasio-Cortez's claims to be false.  That's right, the WaPo, one of the furthest left media bastions of the Democrat Party published a report that basically says Ocasio-Cortez is either a moron or a complete liar. 

As a Democrat, when you've lost the Washington Post, it's time to give up.  Are you listening Alexandria?  I doubt it.

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